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We partner with the people that God has called together to review the condition of the seven mandatory resource pillars. We then address how God is asking us to join Him by walking in faith to watch Him miraculously use the work of our hands to lift the people He's created in His image, out of poverty... for good.


Do you hear Him calling YOU to be a part of one of our projects?


FIXING the essential building blocks and key influencers causing the poverty problem.




Partnering with what God is doing around the globe has never been easier! 

Take your pick! You'll find the story God is writing for each of these projects is not only exciting and beautiful... it's also the perfect opportunity to make a leap of faith to join us and become a partner in helping to lift people out of poverty... for good.

Partners In Action Greatest Need
General Fund/Greatest Need

Love what we do? AWESOME, we literally couldn't do it without YOU! Here's how you can partner...

Lessons In Conservation
Pretoria, South Africa

Join us in empowering the next generation to protect Africa’s wildlife and heritage by inspiring young ambassadors for conservation. Together, we can create a future where children and nature thrive!

Namwala, Zambia

Building sustainable holistic community development sites in Zambia.

The Malachi Project
Mukono, Uganda

Join us in building a brighter future for Mukono by providing education, faith, and healthcare to the community. Together, we can create a sustainable and prosperous tomorrow!

Suubi Child Development Center
Kiwanga, Uganda

Give a Suubi child the gift of education and nourishment for just $45/month. With over 200 children waiting for sponsorship, your support can change a life today!

Fundacion Emmanuel
Guadalajaro, Mexico

Caring for Children in Guadalajara, Mexico

Orphan Care in Eswatini
Bulembu, Eswatini

Business enterprises providing jobs and supporting the children with food, education and hope...


A problem understood is a problem half-solved.

It's almost impossible to correctly arrive at the correct solution until you fully understand the problem you are faced with.

A better solution.


We believe that God is guiding our efforts to achieve sustainable Community development.  We identify where God is doing, or planning to do, something big and then we simply join Him in collecting and connecting His resources to do amazing things.

Over time we have identified 'The Seven Pillars' that make up the essential building blocks that will equip a people, not just to survive, but to move out of poverty... FOR GOOD.

Joshua Ward | Executive Director


Clean Water

Imagine having no access to clean water.  Clean and accessible water is a fundamental need for any community to thrive and grow.  Lack of clean water causes poor hygiene and disease.  We consider clean water to be  basic human right.

Food Security

Now imagine having insufficient access to food.  How can a community thrive with constant food insecurity.  Food security and food nutrition must be in place for individuals to move forward in their quest to move out of extreme poverty.

Access to Healthcare

How many children and adults in the underdeveloped world lose their lives from treatable diseases?  or even worse preventable diseases?  Access to healthcare is fundamental to creating healthy, sustainable communities.

Reliable Power

What if you only had electrical power for two hours a day?  Or what if you had no electrical power? Power is everything in a developed world; it provides lights and heat; it gives us refrigeration to protect our food; it enables us to study and to work.  We can build a community without power, but to build a sustainable community reliable power is an essential building block.


Education is the key to innovation and achievement.  As we learn more we do more.  We think about what we know and we reach for what we have yet to learn.  Education enables a community to think beyond the known and make possible what seems impossible.  Education enables us to continuously nurture and feed our community.

Sustainable Economic Development

Some will view this as a pillar and others will view this as the natural outcome.  Either way, families escape poverty when the foundation is strong.  People are secure and healthy and they have the infrastructure and education to build the economic engine that makes our community truly sustainable.

Spiritual Support

Across everything we do is the belief that all people were created in the image of God and are valuable.  Our belief in God is the reason why we do the work we do and the reason why we know that our Goal is achievable.

Do you feel that God is calling you to get involved?

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace
1 Peter 4:10
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