Friends of Bukwo Global
The Love4Bukwo Story
We, CEO Peter Ole-Sabay and COO Dr. Maggie Sabay, left our comfortable lifestyle in the United States and returned to Dr. Sabay's home village of Bukwo, Uganda, to provide the healthcare and economic development that our families and friends so greatly needed. We brought our two decades of American medical experience and compassionate care, our international partnerships, and our fluency in the local languages and cultures to offer high quality healthcare to anyone in need. We have come home!
We express our thanks to God and to all our friends and partners who helped build this hospital and begin this lifesaving, life-changing work. Many of you continue to help us save lives and spread the influence of this innovative organization.
Our mission is to provide sustainable healthcare, education, and economic development services to create a prosperous future for the people of Bukwo.
Our vision is to create a positive ripple effect to improve the health and economies of East Africa, spreading the love of Christ and medical and business expertise, and collaborating with global health and development leaders for greater effectiveness around the world.
Where we stand today
Love4Bukwo Hospital opened in June 2022, and we are hard at work saving lives and improving the community every day. Our guesthouse and restaurant provide a safe and comfortable place to host visiting teams.
Through a major off-grid energy grant from USADF, we are now solar-powered, we have closed-circuit televisions with security cameras around the campus, we have another internet router, and USADF will cover our internet fees for three years.
We provide health education by buying time on the radio most Saturday nights and sharing training on our YouTube channel, @Love4Bukwo. Please follow us there.
We host Community Bible Study on Saturday mornings where local pastors and interested community members focus on the Christian beliefs we have in common and how to apply them to improve our lives and community.
We Sabays are not yet drawing a salary. We are working toward Love4Bukwo’s self-reliance, profitability, and sustainability through patient fees and related businesses—the restaurant, guesthouse, and now, a water-bottling operation—but are still dependent on the generosity of donors to support each construction project and to sponsor patients we transfer out for specialized care.

How you can help
• Help us raise staff salaries. Some of our employees have left for employers who pay more, even though we offer better conditions and equipment. Our goal requires another $2000 per month.
• Fund a blood bank fridge: $8,500. The nearest blood bank is Mbale, a three-hour drive.
• Sponsor patients in need.
o Patient ultrasound: $10
o Ambulance to Mbale: $100
o Referral care: $100-300.
o Buy an ambulance: $80,000. We have to call the government hospital multiple times and wait for hours to transport a patient in critical need.
• Sponsor an hour of radio time: $100
• Send Bibles. CBS participants are so grateful to have their own.
• Help build the second floor of the guesthouse and other campus improvements such as more lighting, sidewalks, paving, and fencing. $100,000
• Share your medical, trade, or agricultural expertise to help us train. We can host you in our comfortable guesthouse and restaurant.
• Sponsor an exchange, bringing an L4B staff member to visit your medical institution.
• Share our story with others who might want to contribute to this life-saving work.
• We especially appreciate your continued prayers for us and our staff members and patients. Those who visit express amazement at the daily miracles of health and provision. God it good every day!
Thank you!

Friends of Bukwo Global
Donations are processed through Partners in Action.